misc. works

Some published and unpublished work related to my studies and research interests. Please kindly cite these works if you were to use them.


  1. Sensitivity of the magnetic axis to perturbation of stellarator coils
    S. R Hudson, S. Guinchard, and W. Sengupta
    Physics of Plasmas., 2024
  2. Application of Lagrangian techniques for calculating the on-axis rotational transform
    S. Guinchard, W. Sengupta, and S. R. Hudson
  3. Application of Lagrangian techniques for calculating the on-axis rotational transform
    S. Guinchard, S. R Hudson, and  Sengupta
    Jul 2024
    Results to be presented at the 50th EPS conference on Plasma Physics


  1. FENNECS: a novel particle-in-cell code for simulating the formation of magnetized non-neutral plasmas trapped by electrodes of complex geometries
    G. Le Bars, S. Guinchard, J. Loizu, and 5 more authors
    Computer Physics Communications, Jul 2023
  2. Stellarator Design and Optimization - A novel approach based on variational principles
    Salomon Guinchard
    Jul 2023
    Master’s thesis - PDF unavailable, unpublished material
  3. Numerical study of the influence of ion-induced electrons on the dynamics of electron clouds in gyrotron-like geometries
    Salomon Guinchard
    Jul 2023
  4. Lagrangian techniques and on-axis rotational transform - Vacuum field energy for coil design
    S. Guinchard, S. R Hudson, W. Sengupta, and 1 more author
    Aug 2023
    Talk given at Columbia on Aug. 01, 2023 - PDF unavailable, unpublished material
  5. Recovering the on-axis rotational transform from variational principles
    S. Guinchard, W. Sengupta, and S. R. Hudson
    Nov 2023
    Online talk given on Nov. 08, 2023 - PDF unavailable, unpublished material
  6. Equilibrium β-limit in a quasi-axisymmetric stellarator with self-consistent bootstrap current
    A. Baillod, S. Guinchard, J. Loizu, and 1 more author
    Mar 2023
    Poster presented at the Simons Meetings on Hidden Symmetries and Fusion Energy
  7. FENNECS: A flexible code to simulate non-neutral plasmas trapped in penning-like annular potential wells
    G. Le Bars, S. Guinchard, J.P. Hogge, and 1 more author
    Jul 2023
    Talk given by Le Bars, G.
  8. Numerical study of the influence of ion-induced electron emissions on the dynamics of electron clouds in gyrotron-like geometries
    S. Guinchard, and G. Le Bars
    Jan 2023
    Presentation slides


  1. Dependence of quasi-helical symmetry and quasi-axisymmetry on magnetic axis torsion and magnetic surfaces ellipticity
    Salomon Guinchard
    Jan 2022
  2. Effect of magnetic axis torsion and magnetic surfaces ellipticity on the rotational transform and the magnetic shear
    Salomon Guinchard
    Jan 2022


  1. Détecteur d’objets orbitaux par caméra optique - Orbital debris detection by optical camera
    S. Guinchard, M. Béchaz, B. Claudon, and 1 more author
    Jan 2021
    Report in French